- The introduction included group members sharing their name and the country they came from. I gave everyone in the group an index card with a job title on it and they had a few minutes to write down skills and interest that would be necessary for that job and share them with the group.
- Our main activity had two parts and was focused on drawing pictures. The first picture group members drew was what roles and jobs they held in their previous country and then they shared them with the group. Then they drew a picture of what roles and jobs they wish to hold here in the US and any barriers they may face trying to accomplish those goals. They shared them and the person to their left provided them with more insight and potential ways to overcome their barriers.
- The group shared any commonalities they felt existed with the group. I was able to summarize the group and share where I saw similarities and give advice on how they can overcome some of their common barriers.
- I gave them resources for their next steps in the pursuing employment.
Something I feel I could of improved on is staying calm. Sometimes I get nervous and I want to rush through things and may start to babble and not make much sense. I saw myself doing that some during this group and I even forgot to share the name of the group in the beginning. I think with more experience I will become more comfortable leading groups by myself though and that is something that I will improve on.
Overall, I really enjoyed this group and think it would be very useful to this population. I currently work with a refugee family and have met many people who are new to the US and can definitely see a place for OT's to help them to adjust to life here. I was pleased that the group members were able to put themselves in someone else's shoes and I was happy that everyone fully participated. They had a lot of good insight and were open to doing things differently than we have done with groups in the past. I feel this group created a safe place for people to open up about their dreams and for others to be able to encourage them in those pursuits. I look forward to leading more groups like this in my future practice.
Lauren- Tremendous Blog post and reflection! I felt that your group facilitation was a wonderful success, and if you were nervous, or babbled, I surely did not pick up on it! Nevertheless, I also want to say thank you for the humility and bravery it takes to reflect (on paper, much less on the web) your own worries about areas that you'd like to improve. It takes a great deal of confidence and self-awareness to speak and write about things we know about ourselves, and even more courage to take actions to improve them. I feel that I have been a lucky observer of your growth and challenge to yourself to continue to improve. Your facilitation and group was one of the best, such creativity and preparation. This is a wonderful indication of the sort of OT you are going to be, thoughtful, creative, service-minded, and change-agent for certain. It has been a joy to see you coming into your own as an OT leader.