Thursday, April 6, 2017

OT and Health

Professor Flick spoke to our class today about how health promotion is a very important part of occupational therapy.  It showed me a lot about the barriers that many people in the country face in regards to healthcare.  One of the videos we watched really struck a chord with me and gave me something to think about.  It was about health literacy and how many adults do not know how to read or understand basic medical information.  I never thought about this and how I may be impacted in my future profession.  It is important to be able to explain the treatment to the client in a way that they will understand.  One of the main problems I saw on the video was that the clients were embarrassed by their lack of knowledge or illiteracy. That would mean it is always very important to ask that the client is understanding and ask them to tell them what you have gone over.  This may seem like a simple thing, but I hope that I can ensure the understanding of my future clients. I am grateful for the opportunity to make an impact for health with my profession of occupational therapy.

1 comment:

  1. This class session was very eye opening. My heart broke as I watched the video and heard the stories of people taking their meds the wrong way, because they did not know how to read or the meds were not explained to them. I believe that is were OT's come in. we can help answer questions that are within our scope of practice or we can help to point someone in the right direction. No one should ever be embarrassed to ask questions, especially when it comes to their life.
